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Home of The Secret Files of Section D
Imaginarium Games is a company with a simple and clear goal:
Enable Game Masters and Players to create memorable gaming experiences by providing outstanding resources
It's a Savage Worlds setting. A Table Top Role Playing Game powered by the Savage Worlds Adventure Edition rules. Players take on the roles of agents working for the British Secret Intelligence Service, specifically Section D, which was established in early 1938. Section D goes on to be one of the building blocks of the Special Operations Executive.
Set against the backdrop of a world in turmoil, our heroes take on missions to protect King and country. Officially tasked with spying on Fascists and Bolsheviks, a standard Section D mission typically meant photographing railway yards and water towers. Many operations were not standard though. Not by a long way. So far from standard, in fact, that their exact details remain closely guarded secrets to this day.
Section D agents saw and thwarted schemes so fantastic, the public simply would not believe they were real at all. Small details of some of these operations have leaked into popular culture, but nobody thinks for one moment they are true stories.
These are The Secret Files of Section D.
The Secret Files of Section D references the Savage Worlds game system, available from Pinnacle Entertainment Group at www.peginc.com. Savage Worlds and all associated logos and trademarks are copyrights of Pinnacle Entertainment Group. Used with permission. Pinnacle makes no representation or warranty as to the quality, viability, or suitability for purpose of this product.
The Secret Files of Section D is a guide to the classic era of pulp adventure and espionage. Written in an historically accurate manner, the book presents the world as it was at the beginning of 1938, and builds pulp tropes, espionage, and high adventure on the top. Currently available as a 240 page digital book or full colour hardback, The Secret Files of Section D has everything players and GMs need for high octane adventure in their Role Playing Games !
The digital version of The Secret Files of Section D Savage Worlds setting is available for purchase at Drivethru RPG and it's affiliate sites. The hardback can be ordered from this site, or via our retail partners. The 240 page book contains everything players and GMs need to create stunning pulp espionage adventures and much more besides.
Dont forget to come back and grab some free stuff from the download links below. Follow this link to purchase your digital copy but please note that all hardback purchasers will receive the PDF for free.
Purchase The Secret Files of Section D
A short video to introduce the game and show off some more of the stunning artwork we have. Enjoy!
"I’ve been lucky enough to have played in Allan's Section D since the beginning. Allan has always been an extremely expert and capable designer of engaging adventures for Savage Worlds in a variety of settings. But in Section D he has exceeded himself. Pulp adventure - with paranormal elements - set between the two World Wars, it features a rip-roaring sequence of adventures that span the globe. He’s clearly researched each and every setting visited in detail - as it was in the real world - before turning things on their head. Each adventure is fun, extremely well paced and very engaging. Most of all, however, the puns and jokes in the writing are both perfectly suited to that period of history whilst also being extremely funny. A very heady cocktail."
Simon Burley is the Creator and Co-Author of Golden Heroes, the Superhero Roleplaying Game.
"I first came into contact with Section D when Allan did the research for Better Latte Than Never and we discussed Prague in the ’30s. It is a well thought out adventure with some tongue-in-cheek moments. I had a few laughs just reading it. From what I have seen of The Secret Files of Section D so far, it promises to live up to and exceed that experience!"
Jan Jetmar is a valued collaborator, expert on Savage Worlds, and publisher of The City Guard Chronicles and Wand Magic for Savage Worlds, available at https://www.drivethrurpg.com/browse.php?author=Jan%20Jetmar
"FIRST RATE BOOK - you want some Weird War Pulpy goodness then this is FOR YOU!
The Secret Files of Section D is an absolutely gorgeously laid out, well researched and most of all well organised book for the Savage Worlds system allowing you to play those kind of games that totally immerse you into the PULP, SPY, WEIRD WAR, DIESELPUNK, SCHLOCK HORROR vibes.
I loved the simple to understand and read notes from the Author too - letting me see clearly what is background, historical notes to help position information, key rules and effects and also suggestions on how to make play easier or to capture the ideas behind areas of the game from the writers own perspective.
Seriously this book has it all properly thought out. Sure you need the base rules, but this guide and expansion is chocked full of everything else you need to have a cracking game with a party of derring do-ers...
I also have the Printed book (from the KS) as well as the PDF and the layout is superb and has been well worth the wait.
This will be one to watch as i know there are some expansions on the horizon... now if only i can get my macro-lensed binocular helmet to focus on where they are....."
The above is the review Chris wrote on DTRPG for the setting.
Check the Downloads section for a free taster edition or buy the digital version by clicking the link below.
The printed version, which includes a complimentary PDF, is availalble to order from this site, and also from the excellent retailers listed in the following section.
Fanboy3 - Manchester
The first store to stock The Secret Files of Section D!
Fanboy3 is an excellent store with a huge stock of RPG, boardgame, CCG and wargaming goodness.
Based in the heart of Manchester, Dave and his team can supply all your gaming needs, plus a superb play space, tournament events, and decent coffee!
Check them out at https://www.fanboy3.co.uk/
Patriot Games - Sheffield
Patriot Games is simply THE place for gamers in South Yorkshire. Catering for all flavours of table top gaming, and catering coffee and cake as well, Jim and his staff provide a superb space for organised play and picking up anything the discerning gamer needs. The store is well located near the city centre so you can pop in and say Hi or learn more at:
Too Fat Goblinz - Stafford
Great things can come in small packages. Too Fat Goblinz has been providing for table top gamers and comic book fans in Stafford for over 25 years. The jam packed store in the centre of town has board games, RPGs, wargaming miniatures and paints etc, CCGs, and a whole heap of comics.
Keep up to date with the Goblinz at
Imaginarium Games is a producer of Role Playing Games and associated materials. Headed by Allan Wroe, a Role Player and Game Master for over 30 years, Imaginarium Games aims to provide players and GMs with outstanding resources to create memorable gaming experiences.
It all started at a games convention a few years ago with what was supposed to be a one off adventure using the Savage Worlds Role Playing Game. The pulp adventure, Better Latte Than Never, pitted an intrepid unit of agents working for the British Secret Intelligence Service against an over the top selection of Nazis and cultists. Laced with puns and intentionally bad translations, the players loved it and wanted more, and then they wanted more.
That one off game became a campaign that has run over several years and remains a staple for the convention's Friday evening entertainment.
When more people asked if they could play, who were we to refuse them? And so a full Savage Worlds setting was born.
Imaginarium Games is the home of The Secret Files of Section D, a pulp, spy roleplaying game set in a world on the brink of war.
Savage Interludes is great podcast taking an in-depth look at Savage Worlds and how to play, design and run the game. Hosted by Ron and Veronica Blessing with Tracy Sizemore, it's an invaluable tool in our opinion. Listen at http://savageinterludes.com/
Want to get a feel for The Secret Files of Section D in under five minutes? Check out this awesome clip from the BBC show Red Dwarf. Was Ace Rimmer a Section D agent? We'd like to think so. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gXYfnWRp1Q0
Giuseppe writes a great blog on many things related to Savage Worlds as well as writing and producing Aces High! Expanded aerial combat rules for Savage Worlds. Oh, and he said some really nice things about The Secret Files of Section D!
Check out Giuseppe's blog here: https://axianspice.blogspot.com/
Chris Williams / Normal Guy Games did a great review of the digital version of the game. Check it out here.
Do you have questions or comments about our games? Send us a message, and we will get back to you soon.
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Imaginarium Games, a trading style of Vocation IT